Cookie based router-side authentication
It is possible to build authenticators that are cookie-based. In order to that, one needs to implement an interface named ICookieAuthenticatorFactory and pass it to DefaultWampAuthenticationHost’s constructor, (or to FleckAuthenticatedWebSocketTransport/VtortolaAuthenticatedWebSocketTransport constructors).
The interface consists of a single method named “CreateAuthenticator”, which receives as a parameter an ICookieProvider, that is an interface that allows to access client cookies for read-only.
The authenticator created by the “CreateAuthenticator” method will be passed to the IWampSessionAuthenticatorFactory passed to the (Default)WampAuthenticationHost as the transportAuthenticator parameter. This allows to combine between authentication methods.
Note: it is not possible to set cookies from WampSharp. At this moment Fleck doesn’t support cookie set on Handshake, so this won’t be possible until someone implements this feature.
This example demonstrates cookie-based authenticator usage. Cookies are set using an embedded uhttpSharp server.
Open http://localhost
in your browser to see this demo in action.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using uhttpsharp;
using uhttpsharp.Handlers;
using uhttpsharp.Headers;
using uhttpsharp.Listeners;
using uhttpsharp.RequestProviders;
using WampSharp.V2;
using WampSharp.V2.Authentication;
using WampSharp.V2.Core.Contracts;
using WampSharp.V2.Realm;
using WampSharp.V2.Rpc;
namespace CookieDemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DefaultWampAuthenticationHost host =
new DefaultWampAuthenticationHost("ws://",
new MyAuthenticationFactory(),
new MyCookieAuthenticatorFactory());
IWampHostedRealm realm = host.RealmContainer.GetRealmByName("realm1");
realm.Services.RegisterCallee(new Calculator());
using (var httpServer = new HttpServer(new HttpRequestProvider()))
httpServer.Use(new TcpListenerAdapter(new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 80)));
httpServer.Use(new HttpRouter().With("", new FrontendHandler())
.With("setcookie", new CookieHandler()));
httpServer.Use((context, next) => Task.Factory.GetCompleted());
public class Calculator
public int Add2(int x, int y)
return (x + y);
public int Mul2(int x, int y)
return (x * y);
public int Sub2(int x, int y)
return (x - y);
public int Div2(int x, int y)
return (x / y);
internal class MyCookieAuthenticatorFactory : ICookieAuthenticatorFactory
public IWampSessionAuthenticator CreateAuthenticator(ICookieProvider cookieProvider)
return new MyCookieAuthenticator(cookieProvider);
internal class MyCookieAuthenticator : WampSessionAuthenticator
private readonly ICookieProvider mCookieProvider;
private readonly IDictionary<string, IWampAuthorizer> mBeetleToAuthorizers =
new Dictionary<string, IWampAuthorizer>()
["John"] =
new WampStaticAuthorizer(new List<WampUriPermissions>()
new WampUriPermissions()
Uri = "com.arguments.add2",
CanCall = true
["Ringo"] =
new WampStaticAuthorizer(new List<WampUriPermissions>()
new WampUriPermissions()
Uri = "com.arguments.add2",
CanCall = true
new WampUriPermissions()
Uri = "com.arguments.mul2",
CanCall = true
["Paul"] =
new WampStaticAuthorizer(new List<WampUriPermissions>()
new WampUriPermissions()
Uri = "com.arguments.sub2",
CanCall = true
new WampUriPermissions()
Uri = "com.arguments.div2",
CanCall = true
["George"] =
new WampStaticAuthorizer(new List<WampUriPermissions>()
new WampUriPermissions()
Uri = "com.arguments.add2",
CanCall = true
new WampUriPermissions()
Uri = "com.arguments.mul2",
CanCall = true
new WampUriPermissions()
Uri = "com.arguments.sub2",
CanCall = true
public MyCookieAuthenticator(ICookieProvider cookieProvider)
mCookieProvider = cookieProvider;
Cookie cookie = mCookieProvider.GetCookieByName("beetle");
if (cookie != null)
Beetle = cookie.Value;
this.Authorizer = mBeetleToAuthorizers[Beetle];
IsAuthenticated = true;
public override void Authenticate(string signature, AuthenticateExtraData extra)
throw new WampAuthenticationException("Cookie wasn't present");
public string Beetle { get; set; }
public override string AuthenticationId
return Beetle;
public override string AuthenticationMethod
return "cookie";
internal class MyAuthenticationFactory : IWampSessionAuthenticatorFactory
public IWampSessionAuthenticator GetSessionAuthenticator
(WampPendingClientDetails details,
IWampSessionAuthenticator transportAuthenticator)
if (!transportAuthenticator.IsAuthenticated)
throw new WampAuthenticationException("Cookie wasn't present");
return transportAuthenticator;
internal class HtmlHandler : IHttpRequestHandler
private readonly HttpResponse mResponse;
private readonly HttpResponse mKeepAliveResponse;
public HtmlHandler(string contents)
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contents));
mKeepAliveResponse = new HttpResponse(HttpResponseCode.Ok, "text/html",
mResponse = new HttpResponse(HttpResponseCode.Ok, "text/html",
public virtual Task Handle(IHttpContext context, Func<Task> next)
context.Response = context.Request.Headers.KeepAliveConnection()
? mKeepAliveResponse
: mResponse;
return Task.Factory.GetCompleted();
internal class FrontendHandler : HtmlHandler
private const string TemplateHtml = @"<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Cookie authentication frontend</h1>
<p>Open JavaScript console to watch output.</p>
<p><a href=""http://{0}/setcookie"">Set cookie.</a></p>
<script src=""""></script>
<script type=""text/javascript"">
var connection = new autobahn.Connection({{
url: 'ws://{0}:8080/ws',
realm: 'realm1'
connection.onopen = function (session) {{'com.arguments.add2', [2, 3]).then(
function (res) {{
console.log(""Add2:"", res);
function (err) {{
console.log(""Add2 Error:"", err.error, err.args, err.kwargs);
);'com.arguments.mul2', [5, 6]).then(
function (res) {{
console.log(""Mul2:"", res);
function (err) {{
console.log(""Mul2 Error:"", err.error, err.args, err.kwargs);
);'com.arguments.sub2', [1, 9]).then(
function (res) {{
console.log(""Sub2:"", res);
function (err) {{
console.log(""Sub2 Error:"", err.error, err.args, err.kwargs);
);'com.arguments.div2', [10, 4]).then(
function (res) {{
console.log(""Div2:"", res);
function (err) {{
console.log(""Div2 Error:"", err.error, err.args, err.kwargs);
public FrontendHandler() : base(string.Format(TemplateHtml, Environment.MachineName))
internal class CookieHandler : HtmlHandler
private static readonly string[] mNames = new[] {"John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"};
private readonly Random mRandom = new Random();
private readonly object mLock = new object();
private const string HtmlTemplate = @"<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Cookie authentication frontend</h1>
<p>Cookie set! visit <a href=""/"">home</a></p>.
public CookieHandler() : base(HtmlTemplate)
public override Task Handle(IHttpContext context, Func<Task> next)
context.Cookies.Upsert("beetle", GetBeetleName());
return base.Handle(context, next);
private string GetBeetleName()
int random;
lock (mLock)
random = mRandom.Next(mNames.Length);
return mNames[random];