Raw Callee

WampSharp provides a lower level api that allows to deal with rpc operations as they are sent/received, which is called Raw callee.

Actually, the reflection based callee api is built above the Raw callee api.

In order to use the raw callee api, implement IWampRpcOperation. A IWampFormatter is passed to your methods in order to allow you to deserialize the method parameters. In order to return a result or an error, call the corresponding caller method.

After that, register it using Register method of RpcOperationCatalog property of IWampRealm/IWampRealmProxy interfaces.

Registration samples

Client side

internal class Program
    public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        const string location = "ws://";

        DefaultWampChannelFactory channelFactory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();

        IWampChannel channel = channelFactory.CreateJsonChannel(location, "realm1");

        Task openTask = await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

        ArgLenOperation operation = new ArgLenOperation();

        IWampRealmProxy realm = channel.RealmProxy;

        RegisterOptions registerOptions = new RegisterOptions();

        IAsyncDisposable disposable = await realm.RpcCatalog.Register(operation, registerOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);

        // This line is required in order to release the WebSocket thread, otherwise it will be blocked by the following Console.ReadLine() line.
        await Task.Yield();

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to unregister");


        await disposable.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


Router side

internal class Program
    public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        const string location = "ws://";

        using (IWampHost host = new DefaultWampHost(location))
            ArgLenOperation operation = new ArgLenOperation();

            IWampHostedRealm realm = host.RealmContainer.GetRealmByName("realm1");

            IAsyncDisposable registrationTask = await realm.Services.RegisterCallee(operation).ConfigureAwait(false);


            Console.WriteLine("Server is running on " + location);

IWampRpcOperation implementation sample

public class Add2Operation : IWampRpcOperation
    public string Procedure
            return "com.arguments.add2";

    public IWampCancellableInvocation Invoke<TMessage>(IWampRawRpcOperationRouterCallback caller, IWampFormatter<TMessage>
        Dictionary<string, object> dummyDetails = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        caller.Error(WampObjectFormatter.Value, dummyDetails, "wamp.error.runtime_error",
                     new object[] { "Expected parameters" });

        return null;

    public IWampCancellableInvocation Invoke<TMessage>(IWampRawRpcOperationRouterCallback caller, IWampFormatter<TMessage>
                                 TMessage[] arguments)
        return InnerInvoke(caller, formatter, arguments);

    public IWampCancellableInvocation Invoke<TMessage>(IWampRawRpcOperationRouterCallback caller, IWampFormatter<TMessage>
                                 TMessage[] arguments, IDictionary<string, TMessage> argumentsKeywords)
        return InnerInvoke(caller, formatter, arguments);

    private static IWampCancellableInvocation InnerInvoke<TMessage>(IWampRawRpcOperationRouterCallback caller, IWampFormat
                                              TMessage[] arguments)
        int x = formatter.Deserialize<int>(arguments[0]);
        int y = formatter.Deserialize<int>(arguments[1]);
        int result = x + y;

        YieldOptions dummyDetails = new YieldOptions();

        caller.Result(WampObjectFormatter.Value, dummyDetails, new object[] { result });
        return null;

SyncLocalRpcOperation and AsyncLocalRpcOperation.

WampSharp defines some base-classes that make it easier to implement IWampRpcOperation, named SyncLocalRpcOperation and AsyncLocalRpcOperation.

In these classes, we define the parameters we expect to receive and let WampSharp deserialize them for us.

Static parameters example

public class Add2Operation : SyncLocalRpcOperation
    private readonly RpcParameter[] mParameters = new RpcParameter[]
        new RpcParameter(name: "x", type: typeof (int), position: 0),
        new RpcParameter(name: "y", type: typeof (int), position: 1)

    public Add2Operation()
        : base("com.arguments.add2")

    public override RpcParameter[] Parameters
            return mParameters;

    public override bool HasResult
            return true;

    public override CollectionResultTreatment CollectionResultTreatment
            return CollectionResultTreatment.SingleValue;

    protected override object InvokeSync<TMessage>(IWampRawRpcOperationRouterCallback caller,
                                                   IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter,
                                                   InvocationDetails details,
                                                   TMessage[] arguments,
                                                   IDictionary<string, TMessage> argumentsKeywords,
                                                   out IDictionary<string, object> outputs)
        object[] parameters =
            UnpackParameters(formatter, arguments, argumentsKeywords)

        int x = (int)parameters[0];
        int y = (int)parameters[1];

        outputs = null;

        return (x + y);

This handles lookups for parameters named x and y (or positioned at 0, 1), and handles exception throw if not both present. Note that you can return an array and return CollectionResultTreatment.Multivalued from CollectionResultTreatment if you want to return an array with more than one item as the Arguments of the YIELD/RESULT message. Note that you can also set outputs to a dictionary with keywords arguments parameters that will be sent as ArgumensKws of the YIELD/RETURN message.

Dynamic parameters example

public class ArgLenOperation : SyncLocalRpcOperation
    private readonly RpcParameter[] mParameters = new RpcParameter[0];

    public ArgLenOperation()
        : base("com.arguments.arglen")

    protected override object InvokeSync<TMessage>(IWampRawRpcOperationRouterCallback caller,
                                                   IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter,
                                                   InvocationDetails details,
                                                   TMessage[] arguments,
                                                   IDictionary<string, TMessage> argumentsKeywords,
                                                   out IDictionary<string, object> outputs)
        outputs = null;

        int argumentsLength = 0;

        if (arguments != null)
            argumentsLength = arguments.Length;

        int argumentKeyWordsLength = 0;

        if (argumentsKeywords != null)
            argumentKeyWordsLength = argumentsKeywords.Count;

        return new int[] { argumentsLength, argumentKeyWordsLength };

    public override RpcParameter[] Parameters
        get { return mParameters; }

    public override bool HasResult
        get { return true; }

    public override CollectionResultTreatment CollectionResultTreatment
        get { return CollectionResultTreatment.Multivalued; }

Note: This sample is based on this AutobahnJS sample