WampSharp v20.1.1 release notes

Breaking changes

Supported frameworks

From this version, WampSharp targets only the following .NET variants: net461, netstandard2.0, netstandard2.1. Support for the following variants has been dropped: net40, net45, netstandard1.3, pcl, uap.

.NET Standard 2.0/2.1 is the future for .NET libraries and every major .NET variant will implement .NET Standard. For instance, UWP implements .NET Standard 2.0.

Removed packages

  • The package WampSharp.Windows is removed - UWP targets should now use WampSharp.WebSockets.
  • The package WampSharp.SignalR is removed.


  • DefaultWampChannelFactory now uses WampSharp.WebSockets instead of WampSharp.WebSocket4Net. One can use WampSharp.WebSocket4Net instead by installing WampSharp.WebSocket4Net manually and calling the fluent syntax api WebSocket4NetTransport method.
  • DefaultWampChannelFactory now uses WampSharp.NewtonsoftMessagePack instead of WampSharp.NewtonsoftMsgpack. One can use WampSharp.NewtonsoftMsgpack instead by installing WampSharp.NewtonsoftMsgpack manually and calling the fluent syntax api MsgpackSerialization method.
  • DefaultWampHost now uses WampSharp.NewtonsoftMessagePack instead of WampSharp.NewtonsoftMsgpack. One can use WampSharp.NewtonsoftMsgpack instead by installing WampSharp.NewtonsoftMsgpack manually and creating a DefaultWampHost and calling its constructor with a list containing a JTokenMsgpackBinding.

Proxy implementation

WampSharp had several implementations for its Reflection based Caller feature. For several platforms (net40, net45, netstandard1.3, netstandard2.0) it used Castle.Core DynamicProxy and for others it used System.Reflection.DispatchProxy. From this version, System.Reflection.DispatchProxy is used for every platform. This is an internal change of the library that should not affect library users.


In C# 8.0, the interface IAsyncDisposable was introduced. Previous versions of WampSharp contained a similar interface. From this version, WampSharp uses the above IAsyncDisposable interface. This interface is only available in .NET Standard 2.1. For other variants, the interface is imported from the NuGet package Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.

Note that although the interfaces are similar, the signature of DisposeAsync is slightly different, as the new signature returns a ValueTask, while the previous signature returns a Task.


Session management api

From this version, WAMP session management api is supported. This allows to disconnect router peers by calling rpc methods.

To host the session management service call the HostSessionManagementService extension method on your hosted realm object

DefaultWampHost host = new DefaultWampHost("ws://");

IWampHostedRealm realm = host.RealmContainer.GetRealmByName("realm1");

IDisposable disposable = realm.HostSessionManagementService();

// Uncomment to unregister the session management service.
// disposable.Dispose();


To disconnect a remote peer, obtain a proxy of and call one of its methods:

WampChannelFactory channelFactory = new WampChannelFactory();

IWampChannel channel =
                  .WebSocketTransport(new Uri("ws://"))

await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

IWampSessionManagementServiceProxy proxy = 

await proxy.KillBySessionIdAsync(15068678494738).ConfigureAwait(false);

await proxy.KillByAuthIdAsync("peter").ConfigureAwait(false);

await proxy.KillByAuthRoleAsync("frontend").ConfigureAwait(false);

await proxy.KillAllAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

It is recommended to combine this feature with authentication, to ensure that unauthorized users can not disconnect other users.

CBOR Support

From this version, WampSharp supports CBOR serializaion. This is provided by the WampSharp.NewtonsoftCbor package.

Client side usage:

WampChannelFactory channelFactory = new WampChannelFactory();

IWampChannel channel =
                  .WebSocketTransport(new Uri("ws://"))

await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

Router side usage:

WampHost host = new WampHost();

host.RegisterTransport(new FleckWebSocketTransport("ws://"),
                       new JTokenJsonBinding(),
                       new JTokenCborBinding());

// Alternatively use:
// DefaultWampHost host =
//     new DefaultWampHost("ws://",
//                         new List<IWampBinding>
//                         {
//                             new JTokenJsonBinding(),
//                             new JTokenCborBinding()
//                         });


IAsyncDisposable support

As mentioned above, the RegisterCallee/RegisterSubscriber methods now return the new System.IAsyncDisposable type: for netstandard2.1 this type is available, while for net461 and netstandard2.0 the package Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces is used.

This allows one to use the C# 8.0 await using feature. For example:

class Program
    private static async Task Main()
        WampChannelFactory factory = new WampChannelFactory();

        IWampChannel channel =
                   .WebSocketTransport(new Uri("ws://localhost:8080/ws"))

        await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

        Add2Service service = new Add2Service();

        await using (IAsyncDisposable disposable =
            await channel.RealmProxy.Services.RegisterCallee(service))

            await Task.Yield();

            Console.WriteLine("Hit any key to unregister");




    private class Add2Service
        public int Add2(int a, int b)
            return a + b;