WampSharp v1.2.4.18-beta release notes

New features

.NET Standard support

This verion mainly focuses on .NET Standard support. WampSharp now supports .NET Standard 1.3 which means that it is compatible with .NET Framework 4.6, NET Core, Universal Windows Platform 10 and Mono/Xamarin platforms.

Only WAMPv2 is currenly supported (WAMPv1 hasn’t been ported yet). Both Json and MsgPack support is available. RawSocket support has also been ported.

Regarding WebSockets:

  • Client-side support is available: it works via a new implementation of WampConnection which is based on System.Net.WebSockets. Note that this currently doesn’t work on .NET Core on Unix, due to the following (resolved) issue. The issue is resolved, and this should work fine on Unix environments after .NET Core 1.1 is released.
  • Router-side support is available via ASP.NET Core WebSockets.Server. See the following section for an usage example.

Note: WampSharp.Default.Router isn’t present yet since I’m not aware of any standalone .NET Standard compatible WebSocket server (such as Fleck or Vtortola/WebSocketListener).

ASP.NET Core support

This version introduces ASP.NET core support. In order to use it, you need to create a new empty ASP.NET Core project.

Install the following packages: WampSharp.AspNetCore.WebSockets.Server, WampSharp.NewtonsoftMsgpack (you can also install only WampSharp.NewtonsoftJson if you’re not interested in MsgPack support).

Change your current Statup class to the following class

public class Startup
    // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
    // For more information on how to configure your application, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398940
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)

        if (env.IsDevelopment())

        WampHost host = new WampHost();

        app.Map("/ws", builder =>
            // Comment this out to test native server implementations
            builder.UseWebSockets(new WebSocketOptions
                ReplaceFeature = true

            host.RegisterTransport(new AspNetCoreWebSocketTransport(builder),
                                   new JTokenJsonBinding(),
                                   new JTokenMsgpackBinding());


This code hosts a WampSharp Router in a ASP.NET Core application under the “/ws” path. The WampSharp relevant code begins in the line declaring the WampHost variable. ASP.NET Core runs by default from port 5000, so you’ll need to access “ws://localhost:5000/ws”. You can change the default port in various ways, such as calling ".UseUrls("")" on the WebHostBuilder in your Main.

Other changes

Internal changes

RawSocket implementation now uses System.Buffers instead of Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream, since the latter is not .NET Standard compatible.

Message queue is now powered by System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow for all supported platforms, except for .NET Framework 4.0, which still uses an Ix-Async based message queue.

Windows Phone issues

Windows Phone issues (#122, #109) should now be resolved. The latter by replacing the message queue with Dataflow.

Dependencies update

The following dependencies have been updated: System.Collections.Immutable, vtortola.WebSocketListener, WebSocket4Net, Newtonsoft.Msgpack. In addition, Reactive Extensions has been updated to version 3.0, which means that WampSharp now refers System.Reactive.* packages instead of Rx-* packages.

The Newtonsoft.Msgpack update is critical in order to communicate with other non-WampSharp peers via MsgPack.