Raw Subscriber

Like other roles, subscriber also has a raw version, which allows you treat EVENT messages as you like. In order to use it, you need to implement the IWampRawTopicClientSubscriber interface.


Client sample

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SystemEx;
using WampSharp.Core.Serialization;
using WampSharp.V2;
using WampSharp.V2.Client;
using WampSharp.V2.Core.Contracts;
using WampSharp.V2.PubSub;

namespace MyNamespace
    internal class Program
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            const string serverAddress = "ws://";

            DefaultWampChannelFactory factory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();

            IWampChannel channel =
                factory.CreateJsonChannel(serverAddress, "realm1");

            await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

            IWampTopicProxy topicProxy =

            IAsyncDisposable disposable =
                await topicProxy.Subscribe(new MySubscriber(), new SubscribeOptions()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // This line is required in order to release the WebSocket thread, otherwise it will be blocked by the following Console.ReadLine() line.
            await Task.Yield();

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to unsubscribe");


            await disposable.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


    internal class MySubscriber : IWampRawTopicClientSubscriber
        public void Event<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, long publicationId, EventDetails details)
            Console.WriteLine("Got event with publication id: " + publicationId);

        public void Event<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, long publicationId, EventDetails details, TMessage[] arguments)
            int number = formatter.Deserialize<int>(arguments[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("Got event " + number + " with publication id: " + publicationId);

        public void Event<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, long publicationId, EventDetails details, TMessage[] arguments,
                                    IDictionary<string, TMessage> argumentsKeywords)
            int number = formatter.Deserialize<int>(arguments[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("Got event " + number + " with publication id: " + publicationId);

Router sample

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using WampSharp.Core.Serialization;
using WampSharp.V2;
using WampSharp.V2.Core.Contracts;
using WampSharp.V2.PubSub;
using WampSharp.V2.Realm;

namespace MyNamespace
    internal class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            const string serverAddress = "ws://";

            DefaultWampHost host = new DefaultWampHost(serverAddress);

            IWampHostedRealm realm = host.RealmContainer.GetRealmByName("realm1");

            IWampTopic topic =

            MySubscriber subscriber = new MySubscriber();

            IDisposable subscription = topic.Subscribe(subscriber);



    internal class MySubscriber : IWampRawTopicRouterSubscriber
        public void Event<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, long publicationId, PublishOptions options)
            Console.WriteLine("Got event with publication id: " + publicationId);

        public void Event<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, long publicationId, PublishOptions options, TMessage[] arguments)
            int number = formatter.Deserialize<int>(arguments[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("Got event " + number + " with publication id: " + publicationId);

        public void Event<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, long publicationId, PublishOptions options, TMessage[] arguments,
                                    IDictionary<string, TMessage> argumentsKeywords)
            int number = formatter.Deserialize<int>(arguments[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("Got event " + number + " with publication id: " + publicationId);

Local Subscriber

WampSharp defines a base-class named LocalSubscriber that makes it easier to implement IWampRawTopicClientSubscriber.

In this class, we define the parameters we expect to receive and let WampSharp deserialize them for us.


public class MySubscriber : LocalSubscriber
    private readonly LocalParameter[] mEventParameters = new[]
        new LocalParameter("number1", typeof (int), 0),
        new LocalParameter("number2", typeof (int), 1),
        new LocalParameter("c", typeof (string), 2),
        new LocalParameter("d", typeof (MyClass), 3),

    protected override void InnerEvent<TMessage>
        (IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter,
         long publicationId,
         EventDetails details,
         TMessage[] arguments,
         IDictionary<string, TMessage> argumentsKeywords)
        object[] unpacked =
            base.UnpackParameters(formatter, arguments, argumentsKeywords);

        int number1 = (int) unpacked[0];
        int number2 = (int) unpacked[1];
        string c = (string) unpacked[2];
        MyClass d = (MyClass) unpacked[3];

        Console.WriteLine("Got event: number1:{0}, number2:{1}, c:{2}, d:{3}",
                          number1, number2, c, d);

    public override LocalParameter[] Parameters
        get { return mEventParameters; }

private static async Task Main()
    const string serverAddress = "ws://";

    DefaultWampChannelFactory factory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();

    IWampChannel channel =
        factory.CreateJsonChannel(serverAddress, "realm1");

    await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

    IWampTopicProxy topicProxy =

    IAsyncDisposable disposable =
        await topicProxy.Subscribe(new MySubscriber(), new SubscribeOptions()).ConfigureAwait(false);

    // This line is required in order to release the WebSocket thread, otherwise it will be blocked by the following Console.ReadLine() line.
    await Task.Yield();


public class MyClass
    public int Counter { get; set; }

    public int[] Foo { get; set; }

This handles lookups for parameters named number1, number2, c and d (or positioned at 0, 1, 2, 3), and throws an exception if not all are present.