Getting started with Callee

Before you begin, see Getting started with WAMPv2 and create a WampChannel/WampHost your calleee will be registered to.

About Callee role

WAMPv2 defines a Callee role, that is a role that can register a remote procedure call to the router (using the REGISTER/UNREGISTER messages). The callee’s procedure can be invoked by the router (using the INVOCATION message). The callee can respond with a result or an error to the router (using the YIELD/ERROR message).

Reflection based callee

The Reflection based callee is the easiest way to register callee methods to a WAMP router.

In order to use it, create a class having methods decorated with [WampProcedure] attribute. Then create an instance of the class and register it using the RegisterCalee method of the Services property of the IWampRealmProxy/IWampRealm instance.

Client sample

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WampSharp.V2;
using WampSharp.V2.Client;
using WampSharp.V2.Rpc;

namespace MyNamespace
    public interface IArgumentsService
        void Ping();

        int Add2(int a, int b);

        string Stars(string nick = "somebody", int stars = 0);

        string[] Orders(string product, int limit = 5);

    public class ArgumentsService : IArgumentsService
        public void Ping()

        public int Add2(int a, int b)
            return a + b;

        public string Stars(string nick = "somebody", int stars = 0)
            return $"{nick} starred {stars}x";

        public string[] Orders(string product, int limit = 5)
            return Enumerable.Range(0, 50).Take(limit).Select(i => $"Product {i}").ToArray();

    internal class Program
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            const string location = "ws://";

            DefaultWampChannelFactory channelFactory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();

            IWampChannel channel = channelFactory.CreateJsonChannel(location, "realm1");

            Task openTask = channel.Open();

            await openTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

            IArgumentsService instance = new ArgumentsService();

            IWampRealmProxy realm = channel.RealmProxy;

            Task<IAsyncDisposable> registrationTask = realm.Services.RegisterCallee(instance);

            await registrationTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

            // This line is required in order to release the WebSocket thread, otherwise it will be blocked by the Console.ReadLine() line.
            await Task.Yield();


Router sample

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WampSharp.V2;
using WampSharp.V2.Realm;
using WampSharp.V2.Rpc;

namespace MyNamespace
    public interface IArgumentsService
        void Ping();

        int Add2(int a, int b);

        string Stars(string nick = "somebody", int stars = 0);

        string[] Orders(string product, int limit = 5);

    public class ArgumentsService : IArgumentsService
        public void Ping()

        public int Add2(int a, int b)
            return a + b;

        public string Stars(string nick = "somebody", int stars = 0)
            return $"{nick} starred {stars}x";

        public string[] Orders(string product, int limit = 5)
            return Enumerable.Range(0, 50).Take(limit).Select(i => $"Product {i}").ToArray();

    internal class Program
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            const string location = "ws://";

            using (IWampHost host = new DefaultWampHost(location))
                IArgumentsService instance = new ArgumentsService();

                IWampHostedRealm realm = host.RealmContainer.GetRealmByName("realm1");

                Task<IAsyncDisposable> registrationTask = realm.Services.RegisterCallee(instance);

                await registrationTask;


                Console.WriteLine("Server is running on " + location);

See also