Getting started with WAMPv2

Create a new Console Application in Visual Studio.

Install WampSharp:

Go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console.

Enter in the Package Manager Console

Install-Package WampSharp.Default -Pre

Now WampSharp is installed on your project.

About realms

WAMPv2 protocol consists of the idea of realms. A WAMP realm, can be thought as a domain, where uris are mapped to procedures/topics.

WampSharp WAMPv2 api is based on the realm idea. In the following sections we describe how to access realms from router/client code.

Other tutorials describe how to consume WAMP roles from realm api.

Getting started with a WAMPv2 Router

In order to Add WAMPv2 router capabilities to your application, create a WampHost:

const string location = "ws://";
using (IWampHost host = new DefaultWampHost(location))
    IWampHostedRealm realm = host.RealmContainer.GetRealmByName("realm1");

    // Host WAMP application components


    Console.WriteLine("Server is running on " + location);

A WampHost hosts your WAMP application components. It consists of IWampRealms.

IWampRealm is an interface that represents a WAMPv2 realm.

The realms are accessible from the WampHost’s RealmContainer property.

Getting started with a WAMPv2 Client

In order to connect to a router’s realm, create a WampChannel that connects to the realm.

const string location = "ws://";

DefaultWampChannelFactory channelFactory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();

IWampChannel channel = channelFactory.CreateJsonChannel(location, "realm1");

IWampRealmProxy realmProxy = channel.RealmProxy;

await channel.Open();

// Host WAMP application components

A WampChannel represents a session to a WAMPv2 router. It contains a property named RealmProxy which is a IWampRealmProxy, that is a proxy to the router’s remote realm.

More tutorials

See the following tutorials for getting started with a WAMPv2 role: