WAMP-CRA client side authentication

WAMP-CRA client side authentication is supported. In order to use it, instantiate a new instance of WampCraAuthenticator and pass it to the channel factory.


public static async Task Main()
    DefaultWampChannelFactory channelFactory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();

    IWampClientAuthenticator authenticator;

    if (false)
        authenticator = new WampCraClientAuthenticator(authenticationId: "joe", secret: "secret2");
        authenticator =
            new WampCraClientAuthenticator(authenticationId: "peter", secret: "secret1", salt: "salt123",
                                           iterations: 100, keyLen: 16);

    IWampChannel channel =

    channel.RealmProxy.Monitor.ConnectionEstablished +=
        (sender, args) =>
            Console.WriteLine("connected session with ID " + args.SessionId);

            dynamic details = args.WelcomeDetails.OriginalValue.Deserialize<dynamic>();

            Console.WriteLine("authenticated using method '{0}' and provider '{1}'", details.authmethod,

            Console.WriteLine("authenticated with authid '{0}' and authrole '{1}'", details.authid,

    channel.RealmProxy.Monitor.ConnectionBroken += (sender, args) =>
        dynamic details = args.Details.OriginalValue.Deserialize<dynamic>();
        Console.WriteLine("disconnected " + args.Reason + " " + details.reason + details);

    IWampRealmProxy realmProxy = channel.RealmProxy;

    await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

    // call a procedure we are allowed to call (so this should succeed)
    IAdd2Service proxy = realmProxy.Services.GetCalleeProxy<IAdd2Service>();

        var five = await proxy.Add2Async(2, 3)

        Console.WriteLine("call result {0}", five);
    catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("call error {0}", e);

    // (try to) register a procedure where we are not allowed to (so this should fail)
    Mul2Service service = new Mul2Service();

        await realmProxy.Services.RegisterCallee(service)

        Console.WriteLine("huh, function registered!");
    catch (WampException ex)
        Console.WriteLine("registration failed - this is expected: " + ex.ErrorUri);

    // (try to) publish to some topics
    string[] topics =

    foreach (string topic in topics)
        IWampTopicProxy topicProxy = realmProxy.TopicContainer.GetTopicByUri(topic);

            await topicProxy.Publish(new PublishOptions() {Acknowledge = true})

            Console.WriteLine("event published to topic " + topic);
        catch (WampException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("publication to topic " + topic + " failed: " + ex.ErrorUri);

    // This line is required in order to release the WebSocket thread, otherwise it will be blocked by the following Console.ReadLine() line.
    await Task.Yield();


public interface IAdd2Service
    Task<int> Add2Async(int x, int y);

public class Mul2Service
    public int Multiply2(int x, int y)
        return x*y;

Note: The sample is based on this AutobahnJS sample