WampSharp v1.2.6.41-beta release notes

New features

New transports

A few router-side WebSockets transports have been added in this version. These include HttpListener based transport, ASP.NET based transport and Microsoft.Owin based transport.


CANCEL/INTERRUPT support has been added to Crossbar recently. From this version, WampSharp supports rpc cancellations, both on router-side and on client-side.

Reflection based caller/callee cancellation support

Cancellation is supported for reflection based caller and callee via the CancellationToken api. In order to declare a callee procedure which supports cancellation, declare an async method which receives as its last argument a CancellationToken:

public class CancellableOpService
    public async Task<int> CancellableOp(int n, CancellationToken token)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                throw new WampRpcCanceledException($" {i * 100.0 / n}% of the work was done");

            await Task.Delay(100, token);

        return n;

Note: This works also with progressive call results:

public class LongCancellableOpService
    public async Task<int> LongCancellableOp(int n, IProgress<int> progress, CancellationToken token)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                throw new WampRpcCanceledException($" {i * 100.0 / n}% of the work was done");

            await Task.Delay(100, token);

        return n;

In order to cancel a pending rpc invocation from a WAMP caller using the callee proxy api, declare an interface containing an async method receiving a CancellationToken as its last parameter:

public interface ICancellableOpService
    Task<int> CancellableOp(int n, CancellationToken token);

Then pass a CancellationToken to the method call, this is usually done using CancellationTokenSource. Call CancellationTokenSource.Cancel in order to cancel the invocation.

ICancellableOpService proxy =

CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

Task<int> invocationTask = proxy.CancellableOp(4096, cancellationTokenSource.Token);

// Cancel the operation

await invocationTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

Note: This works also with progressive call results:

public interface ILongCancellableOpService
    Task<int> LongCancellableOp(int n, IProgress<int> progress, CancellationToken token);


ILongCancellableOpService proxy =

CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

Task<int> invocationTask = proxy.LongCancellableOp(4096, new MyProgress(), cancellationTokenSource.Token);

// Cancel the operation

await invocationTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

Subscriber authid/authrole based black/white-listing (Issue #119)

From this version, subscriber authid/authrole based black/white-listing is supported.

Usage example:

// Alice
IWampTopicProxy aliceHeartBeat =

aliceHeartBeat.Publish(new PublishOptions() { ExcludeMe = false, ExcludeAuthenticationIds = new string[] { "bob" } }, new object[] { "From C#" });

// Bob
IWampTopicProxy bobHeartBeat =

bobHeartBeat.Publish(new PublishOptions() { ExcludeAuthenticationRoles = new string[] { "beta" } }, new object[] { "From C#" });

// Carol
IWampTopicProxy carolHeartBeat =

carolHeartBeat.Publish(new PublishOptions(), new object[] { "From C#" });

// Dave
IWampTopicProxy daveHeartBeat =

daveHeartBeat.Publish(new PublishOptions() { ExcludeAuthenticationIds = new string[] { "alice", "bob" } }, new object[] { "From C#" });

// Erin
IWampTopicProxy erinHeartBeat =

erinHeartBeat.Publish(new PublishOptions() { ExcludeMe = false, EligibleAuthenticationIds = new string[] { "alice", "bob", "dave" } }, new object[] { "From C#" });
erinHeartBeat.Publish(new PublishOptions() { ExcludeMe = false, EligibleAuthenticationRoles = new string[] { "beta" } }, new object[] { "From C#" });

The sample code is based on this Crossbar example.

Testament service

From this version, the Testament feature is supported.

This feature allows a client to request the router to publish some predefined events when the client disconnects.

In order to enable it from router-side, call HostTestamentService extension method of the relevant realm (this is similiar to the Router-side meta-api usage):

DefaultWampHost host = new DefaultWampHost("ws://");

IWampHostedRealm realm = host.RealmContainer.GetRealmByName("realm1");

IDisposable disposable = realm.HostTestamentService();

// Uncomment to unregister the Testament service. 
// disposable.Dispose(); 


In order to consume the Testament service, one can define its contract and consume it using the CalleeProxy method. Another option is to use the GetTestamentServiceProxy extension method of IWampRealmProxy which returns such a proxy:

private static async Task Run()
    WampChannelFactory channelFactory = new WampChannelFactory();

    IWampChannel channel =

    long? sessionId = null;

    channel.RealmProxy.Monitor.ConnectionEstablished += (sender, args) => { sessionId = args.SessionId; }; 

    await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

    IWampTestamentServiceProxy proxy = channel.RealmProxy.GetTestamentServiceProxy();

    string testamentTopic = "com.example.testament";

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
        object[] testamentArgs = new object[] {"this is my testament!"};

        Dictionary<string, object> testamentKwArgs =
            new Dictionary<string, object> {{"foo", i}, {"bar", "baz"}, {"sess", sessionId}};

            await proxy.AddTestamentAsync(testamentTopic, testamentArgs, testamentKwArgs)

            Console.WriteLine("testament added");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("adding testament failed! " + ex);

    Console.WriteLine(@"Press any key to close channel. 5 events should be published to ""com.example.testament""");

This sample is based on this Crossbar example.

Event Retention support

From this version WampSharp supports Event Retention, both on router-side and on client-side. This feature allows new subscribers of a given topic to receive upon subscribe the lastest retained event published to the topic before they subscribed to it.

A subscriber can indicate that it is interested in getting the retained event by specifying GetRetained = true in the SubscribeOptions argument.

A publisher can indicate that it is interested in retaining a publication by specifying Retain = true in the PublisherOptions argument.

An example for a subscription which requests getting a retained event (Using Reflection-based Subscriber):

public class MySubscriber
    public void OnCounter(int counter)
        EventDetails details = WampEventContext.Current.EventDetails;

        if (details.Retained == true)
            Console.WriteLine("RETAINED event received! " + counter);
            Console.WriteLine("regular event received " + counter);

private static async Task Run()
    WampChannelFactory channelFactory = new WampChannelFactory();

    IWampChannel channel =

    await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

        IAsyncDisposable disposable =
            await channel.RealmProxy.Services.RegisterSubscriber(new MySubscriber(),
                                                                 new SubscriberRegistrationInterceptor(
                                                                     new SubscribeOptions()
                                                                         GetRetained = true

        Console.WriteLine("subscribed successfully");
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("failed to subscribed: " + ex);

An example for a publisher which publishes retained events (Using Reflection-based Publisher):

public class MyPublisher
    public MyPublisher()
        IObservable<long> timer =

        timer.Select((x, i) => i)
             .Subscribe(i => OnCounter(i));

    public event Action<int> Counter;

    protected virtual void OnCounter(int obj)

private static async Task Run()
    WampChannelFactory channelFactory = new WampChannelFactory();

    IWampChannel channel =

    await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false);

    channel.RealmProxy.Services.RegisterPublisher(new MyPublisher(),
        new PublisherRegistrationInterceptor(new PublishOptions(){Retain = true}));

Note: These samples are based on this Crossbar example.

Note: These samples only demonstrate the reflection-based api, but this also works with other overloads receiving SubscribeOptions/PublishOptions

Internal/Breaking changes

  • In order to support CANCEL/INTERRUPT, IWampRpcOperation's Invoke methods now return IWampCancellableInvocation. If you don’t want to support cancellation, you can simply return null from these methods.
  • The following properties of InvocationDetails have been removed: AuthenticationRole, AuthenticationId, AuthenticationMethod. Instead, the following properties are available: CallerAuthenticationRole, CallerAuthenticationId. Similarly, the following properties of EventDetails have been removed: AuthenticationRole, AuthenticationId, AuthenticationMethod. Instead, the following properties are available: PublisherAuthenticationRole, PublisherAuthenticationId. This has been done in order to make WampSharp compatible with the recent changes done in Crossbar and Autobahn variants.
  • Publishing to a topic having no subscribers no longer throws an exception and no longer sends a publish error to the publisher if the latter has requested publication acknowledgement. This is also Crossbar’s behavior regarding topics without subscribers. This change also resolves Issue #192 implicitly.
  • LibLog has been modified with some performance optimizations (see Pull Requests #140 #141).